Přednáška — How Insider Threats Challenge Digital Economy, Real Life Attacks explained!
Připravuje Artur Kane — Inovace — 45 minut
In the era of Digital Transformation, we are more dependent on IT than ever. Businesses invest in preventive tools and network perimeter security to protect from the outer world. This all to maintain business as usual and to prevent consecutive business impact. Majority of attackers, however, come from inside of the company and traditional protection techniques are limited. In this presentation we will show you three cases of Insider Threats that actually bypassed all security solutions, processes and restrictions and explain how little it takes to respond to such attacks.
We will further demonstrate activity of an actual malware infection, its collateral movement, reconnaissance, consecutive data ex-filtration and possible countermeasures.
Pro koho je přednáška určena
The intended audience is broad - from Technical Directors, Information and Security Officers, Network/Security Administrators to Business Owners/Continuity Leads, Operating Officers and Compliance Directors.
But anyone who's interested in cybersecurity, machine learning, anomaly detection or network visibility, is more than welcome to join us :-)